June 22-24, Online!

Why sponsor SRCCON now

For journalism-technologists and newsroom leaders, SRCCON is a place to “recharge, reset, and reimagine.” You can help make that happen.

SRCCON events have adapted to be fully online, while remaining interactive and a place for real connection. As one attendee put it, SRCCON​ “made me more confident about my media, my future, made me realize I was not alone in my view of journalism, it gave me hope for a journalism that truly represents me!”

Ways to sponsor SRCCON and help make it possible

We’re seeking sponsors for SRCCON events, which host hundreds of participants from news and technology organizations of all sizes. Available sponsorships include:


Support all aspects of the conference planning and program. Partnership sponsors have maximum visibility—your support makes SRCCON possible.


You’re directly supporting our live transcription and scholarship programs. Accessibility is one of our most visible sponsorships across the entire program—because you are helping us make SRCCON available to as many people as possible.


Create spaces for attendees to connect in virtual hallways and hangout spaces. We know that these spaces have created lifelong connections between participants, and are extremely meaningful.


Help us with all the finishing touches on the event. Show your support by helping us put on what our participants frequently say is “the best conference I’ve ever been to.”

Each sponsorship includes at least 1 free ticket and different types of visibility and recognition throughout the event. Contact Erika Owens for a full kit with pricing and further details. We love chatting with folks to find the best way we can collaborate to welcome your team to the event and make it inclusive for all attendees!

What is SRCCON?

OpenNews has been hosting SRCCON annually since 2014, and added a series of smaller, topical conferences starting in 2017. At SRCCON events, participants come first so they can focus on collaborating on the work at hand. Over this time SRCCON has:

Who attends and why

People come first at SRCCON. Each event is set up to allow participants to focus on getting to know each other and learn from the wisdom in the room. About a third of participants also facilitate sessions, leading conversations and skillshares that help people bring new ideas and experience back to their newsrooms.

The typical SRCCON audience and program

“You all are leading the way on how to have a great conference that is welcoming for everyone, and someday the tech industry will be so much better off when it adopts what you’ve done.”

“This was the first conference I’ve been a part of where I felt I belonged on every level.”

“My job very much straddles the line between technology and the newsroom and in 20 years of being in the newspaper (media) business, this is the first conference I’ve been to that I felt like was specifically for me. I could contribute meaningfully to every session I went to.”

Interested in having your company or organization become a sponsor of SRCCON? Get in touch with OpenNews Co-Executive Director Erika Owens today.